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思维导图工具 XMind(主页 | 在很多功能上已经超越了FreeMind(主页 | 小教程),比如绘制鱼骨图、二维图、树形图、逻辑图、组织结构图,支持浮动节点。XMind的特点,可用“国产而国际化发展;商业化而兼有开源版本;功能丰富且美观”来概括。XMind v3.0的功能让人眼前一亮,但占用资源太多的bug令人惋惜。幸好,从 XMind v3.0.1 到 XMind v3.0.3,终于解决了这一问题,快来升级/试用吧!
XMind v3.0.1下载
XMind Windows 安装文件 | XMind 便携版
XMind v3.0.1 新功能 /New Features
1. 新增圆形排列(顺时针方向、逆时针方向)的思维导图样式 /New Mind Map Structure: Clockwise and Anti Clockwise
2. 导入XMind 2008文件 /Import XMind 2008 file.
3. 导出XMind 2008文件 /Export to XMind 2008 file.
4. 用户可以设定快照保存路径 /Map Shot: User can set a path to save.
5. 链接:用户可以为节点定义链接到文件、目录、当前导图其他节点 /Hyperlink: Users can add Local File/Folder link, and topic link(in the same workbook) to a topic.
6. 自定义图标可以在其他计算机上显示 /The personal markers in a map can be seen after opening the map in another computer.
7. 多语言:新语言包含简繁体中文等 /Multi-lingual: New languages package including German, Janpanese, Chinese(Simplifiled), Chinese(Traditional)
8. 连结线新增样式:Z形线 /New relationship style: Zigzag.
9. 新图标 /New markers.
XMind v3.0.1修正问题 /Bugs:
1. XMind can not run on PowerPC-based Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.
2. Print dialog will be freeze sometimes.
3. Marker, legend will become ugly if printing the map.
4. Extract a Theme, and apply to a map. This theme will be lost after reopening XMind and that file.
5. If users enable the Auto Save in XMind, open a new workbook and edit it, then leave XMind and do other work. After a while, there will be many “Save as” dialog.
6. Open the build-in browser, and open a website, now if there is no response after clicking a URL inside this website, closing this browser view will close XMind.
7. SpellCheck is in.
8. If users use XMind 3 to open an XMind 2008 file which has wallpaper, that wallpaper can not be read. Some other bugs fixed.
XMind v3.0.1其他改进 /Improvement:
1. Can not open all XMind 2008 files directly.
2. Theme will be seen after uploading and exporting to images.
3. Users can drag an image into XMind as an individual topic.
4. Ctrl+Home will let users focus on Central topic and central topic be at center.
5. Users can change the Row order in Spreadsheet easily.
6. Importing Mind Manager file performs better.
7. Hightlight the theme in current map in the theme view.
8. If a topic is near the left or right of editor, and now double clicking or F2 to edit it, the map will jump to let this topic be center of editor.
9. The Fishbone Chart has tapered line.
10. There is a print icon on toolbar.
11. New .deb package for Debian/Ubuntu Linux.
12. Open .xmind file directly from Share.xmind.net.
Some other improvements.>